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Go to the shopBy using Gabba International's (GI) web site and services, you agree to the following:
The contents of this site are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a general or specific and non-infringement.
The owner of this site, the authors of these contents and in general anybody connected to this site in any way, from now on collectively called "Providers", assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in these contents.
The Providers further do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the safety, reliability, accuracy, correctness or completeness of these contents. The Providers shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, general, special, incidental or consequential damages including, without limitation, data loss, lost revenues and lost profit which may result from the inability to use, the correct or incorrect use, abuse, or misuse of these contents, even if the Providers have been informed of the possibilities of such damages. The Providers cannot and do not assume any obligation or responsibility.
The use of these contents is forbidden in those places where the law does not allow this disclaimer to take full effect.
All the information gathered in online forms on the website is used to personally identify any users that subscribe to this service. The information will not be used for anything other than what is stated in the Terms & Conditions of use for this service. No information is sold or available to outside parties.
See also Web Site below.
GI does not sell or use your private information (name, address, phone, email address, etc.) for any purpose other than to ship your order or to contact you if there's a problem with your order.
Keeping your details confidential is of paramount importance to us. All transactions and personal details are secured by valid SSL certificate.
While registered users are able to alter their account details within a secure login session, they may also use this feedback form to request manual updates to or removal of said details. The privacy officer – Lorenzo Gabba – will enact such requests and revert with a written confirmation accordingly.
GI uses South African companies, Ozow and PayFast – both accredited web-based payment facilities – to handle our online payment processing. GI never has access to your banking details. When you buy your wine online from us, all your details are kept safe by the best online payment providers in South Africa.
When invoicing customers, GI makes use of similarly secure online accounting software Xero, which keeps customer details stored safely within an encrypted account that only GI has access to.
Any physical copies of invoices are kept in files that are safely locked away in our offices and protected by an armed response alarm system outside office hours.
GI sends a regular newsletter to its subscribers that has a secure and automatic opt-out link that prevents all further unwanted communications.
To save space when corresponding with customers, GI's emails have a reference to a disclaimer at the end of each email message. The full GI email disclaimer can be found below.
This message and any attachments, or any part of it is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you are not the named addressee you are notified that you may not use, distribute or copy this email. Kindly also notify GI immediately on +27 21 551 6671 or by replying to the sender and delete this email from your system.
When addressed to customers of GI ("the sending company") any opinion or advice contained in this email is subject to the applicable terms and conditions of business and acceptable use policies.
While GI endeavours to prevent loss or damage to third party systems, the sending company does not accept liability for any damage, loss or expense arising from this email and/or from the accessing of any files attached to this email.
This web site uses cookies and tracking software as an integral part of its services. IP addresses of visitors are used for technical administration and to compile general demographic information. GI will not attempt to identify individual users through their IP addresses.
Users may only use this web site to browse its contents and make legitimate purchases. Users may not attempt, including without limitation, to make any speculative, false or fraudulent purchases. This site and its original contents may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed without the express, written and signed permission of GI. 'Hot-linking', 'embedding' and other similar practices are strictly forbidden.
Unauthorized use of this site and/or its contents may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws or other laws. Users involved in these and other illicit practices will forego their right to privacy and GI will submit a complete disclosure of details to the relevant authorities for maximum prosecution within the limits of the law.
This site contains links and references to other sites. GI claims neither ownership nor responsibility for the privacy practices and/or contents of such web sites.
If you have any questions about these Terms & Policies, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this web site, you can contact us using this feedback form.